Periodical Trainings

Periodical Trainings

Modules of Live Fire Arms Training
In Live Fire Arms Training, Professional Trainers deliver and demonstrate the Lectures and Techniques to the guards. After that Live Fire is conducted on the Target while maintaining Proficiency & Accuracy index of each guard in order to gauge his performance in next training.

Fire Accuracy and Proficiency Index of Guards

Fire Arms Trainings

Piffers Fire Arm Trainings

Fire Arm Trainings Piffers


Petrol Site Handling Piffers

Piffers Security Book of KnowledgeModules of Refresher Trainings
Refresher Trainings are conducted on every 5th/6th week at Deployment Sites.

Refresher Training Lectures



Refresher Training Courses


Piffers Refresher Training Course 2


Piffers Training Team ASF 1


Piffers Training Team ASF 2

Certificate AFS Training Piffers

Training Certificate AFS Training Piffers


Training Certificate AFS Training Piffers


Certificate Award Ceremony Piffers